
A monthly debate about current issues with the aim of raising the political temperature.

We want people to move outside their ideologically homogeneous communities, listen to people who think differently, and argue things out!

Come to the Dan O’Connell Hotel on the second Thursday of each month at 6.30pm. Get a drink, and listen to the two opposing speakers for the first half hour (starting at 7pm sharp). For the next half hour, take part, if you wish, in the panel discussion, with questions and comments from the floor.

Afterwards you can enjoy an argument over a pub meal. The Thursday night special is  $1 tacos (minimum of three).

Enquiries: David 0488 532 559

We also have a meetup group to help create an ongoing community. Attendees can join if they wish.

If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. George Orwell

1 Response to About

  1. Hi David,

    Just a brief note to let you know that I really enjoyed attending the monthly argument (and will be coming back next month).

    My apologies, as I had to leave early…. (and did not have a chance of saying good-bye to you!)

    Thank you !!!!

    Kind regards,

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